Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Trinity Anglican Church, Lambeth, Ontario

Trinity Anglican Church, Lambeth, OntarioTrinity Anglican Church, Lambeth is in a 2-point parish with Christ Church, Glanworth. Rector is Rev. Elaine Clark. The village of Lambeth, Ontario is now part of the city of London.

Among the outreach programs is a Prayer Shawl ministry with the church's knitting group, The Knitters of Hope, knitting the Prayer Shawls. Shawls, which have been made for centuries, are universal and embracing. They wrap, enfold, comfort and give solace. Comments from those who have received a shawl said they have been uplifted and affirmed, as if given wings to fly above their troubles. They often feel like they have been given a hug from God.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Lay Certificate in Theology

Huron University College, London, OntarioHuron University College offers non-university, short-term courses, for your own interest, or toward the Lay Certificate in Theology. Starting in March, Rev. Gordon Maitland, currently on leave from the Parish of Trinity Church, Lambeth and Christ Church, Glanworth, will be teaching 2 courses in church history.

The Changing Face of Anglican Worship will be on Saturdays, March 24 and 31, 10 am-3 pm.
The course is an overview of 450 years of Anglican worship. Although reference will be made to the various editions of the Book of Common Prayer, the course will look primarily at the changing externals of Anglican worship: architecture, music, decoration, and the location within the church building of altar, font, pulpit and pews.

The Candle of the Lord will be Tuesdays, April 17-May 22, 7-9 pm.
A group of 17th-century Cambridge scholars initiated what one writer has called, "The greatest corporate mystical reaction that England has ever known," attempting to unite a passionate devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ with an ancient mystical philosophical system and producing one of the most unique spiritualities in Anglicanism. We'll look at selections from the writings of this group (usually called the "Cambridge Platonists") and explore the Neoplatonism, Hermetic philosophy, and Jewish system of mysticism known as the Kabbala which informed and influenced their spirituality.

Both courses cost $125. The Lay Certificate requires 10 courses.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


St Stephen's, Thamesville, Ontario

St Stephen's, Thamesville, OntarioSt Stephen's is one of 6 churches that make up the Parish of the Transfiguration, part of the Kent Deanery.

The building was erected in 1871 using hand carved red bricks. The parish hall was built next to it in 1949.

The small congregation supports the church by holding a pancake supper every Shrove Tuesday, a bazaar auction every November and also catering the local Rotary Club's dinners every week.

Stephen Demitroff is the rector with Michelle Collins-Wongkee, associate.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


The Three Cantors

l-r Peter Wall, Bill Cliff, David Pickett, Angus SinclairIn 1996, Peter Wall, Bill Cliff and David Pickett, then Anglican Parish priests of Hanover and Durham, St. Jude's, Brantford and Bishop Cronyn Memorial, London, formed the Three Cantors to sing to benefit the Huron Hunger Fund. Along with accompanist Angus Sinclair, their efforts are being recognized by Renison College at its annual Founders' Day Celebration at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Kitchener.

Other honourees will be recently retired members of Renison College, Gerry Mueller, Lynda Leeder Paul and Anne Thompson. The Evensong and Convocation begins this Sunday, January 14 at 3:00 p.m. followed by a tea reception in the Upper Parish Hall.

Today, Rev. Canon Bill Cliff is Rector of Chapel of St. John the Evangelist, Huron University College and Anglican Chaplain to University of Western Ontario; Rev. Canon David Pickett is Rector of St. John's, Ancaster in the Diocese of Niagara; The Very Rev. Peter Wall is Dean of the Diocese of Niagara and Rector of Christ's Church Cathedral, Hamilton and Angus Sinclair is Director of Music at Grace Ilderton and St George's Middlesex Centre.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


St. Alban the Martyr, London, Ontario

Young adults, teens, and a handful of not-so-young adults at St. Alban’s Church, London have recently formed a new choir aptly named ‘The Young and the Restless’. They made their debut Easter Sunday singing Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’. The new choir was initiated by teenagers and young adults who wanted to bring their individual musical gifts together and offer something a little different to our worship life. The Y&R is led by Sharon Viglianti and accompanied by Bev Rayner, two very
talented women in the congregation.

Wednesday, March 7 as part of the St. Paul’s Cathedral Lenten Noon Hour Series, Rector the Rev Canon Kim Van Allen will give a talk titled The Wilderness: A Journey of the Heart

Update: Rev. Canon Kim Van Allen became rector of All Saints' Anglican, Windsor Nov 1, 2007. Rev. Christine Young was appointed rector of St. Alban the Martyr, London effective January 15, 2008. Previously, she was Associate Priest at the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul, London, Ontario.