Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Trivitt Memorial, Exeter, Ontario

Trivitt Memorial Bell Tower264 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario

Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter was built in 1888, paid for by Thomas Trivitt, Justice of the Peace in Huron County.  
The bell tower stands 92 feet high and houses a chime of 20 bells.   Trivitt Memorial replaced the first Anglican Church in Exeter, Christ Church, built in 1860, that after the new church was built was used as a display building at the annual fair until it was torn down in 1939.

161st Batallion Colours, Trivitt MemorialIn the church are the colours of 161st (Huron) Battalion, a unit in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, that recruited from Huron County.   It was formed Dec. 2, 1915 in London, Ontario and eventually joined the 14th Brigade, 5th Division in Feb 1917.

Rev. Brad Dunbar became rector of Trivitt Memorial, Exeter and St. John-by-the-Lake, Grand Bend (with priestly oversight for St.Patrick's, Saintsbury) on June 4, 2008.   He had been appointed lay pastor in January.