Tuesday, September 30, 2008
St Mark's, London, Ontario

St Mark's, London began in 1908 as an outreach project of St. Matthew's Anglican Church in the area then known as Pottersburg. A mission was established in a storefront. The current building, constructed in 1965, is the third physical location of the parish.
In 1997, St Mark's talked with St Barnabas' and St Timothy's about amalgamating. The Church of the Resurrection and St Matthew's joined the talks and when St Mark's withdrew those 4 churches merged to become the East London Anglican Ministries. St Mark's has continued as a small but stable parish but with a congregation of about 55 families.
Rector the Rev. Dr. David Norton conducts 2 Sunday services.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
St. Jude's Anglican, London, Ontario

London, Ontario
The first St. Jude's Anglican Church opened June 10, 1954 in London Township. The population in the area grew and in 1961, the area was annexed by the City of London. Growth continued and the parish is now at the center of a very large residential area.
In 1986, The Rev. John H. Chapman became rector. He went on to be Dean of Theology, Huron University College and is now Bishop of Ottawa.
With continued population growth, a larger building was needed. June 1, 1993, with the completion of a new building, service began in the old church and then the congregation proceeded to the new facility to complete the liturgy and officially begin worship.
Rector and Priest-in-Charge is the Rev. Phillip Uptgrove. Honourary Assistant is the Rev. Jack Beedle. Rev. Raquel Mack has been Youth Co-ordinator at St Jude's since February.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Christ Church, Listowel

Christ Church, Listowel will be open Saturday, Sep 27, 10am - 4pm as part of the Doors Open Ontario program.
The church was built to replace a frame building erected in 1863 and destroyed by fire in 1896. The Gothic-style church features narrow, arched stained-glass windows, wall dormers and a heavy stone foundation. The rectory was built in 1921 and a church hall in 1930.
Christ Church is now part of the six-point Parish of the Resurrection with St. Alban's and St. David's, Atwood; St. George's, Harriston; St. Paul's, Palmerston; St. Stephen's, Gorrie; Trinity Church, Fordwich. Until recently Associate Priests were the Rev'ds Brad and Nancy Beale. Rev. Brad Beale became Incumbent of St. Thomas, Belleville on September 1 and Rev. Nancy Beale also intends moving to the Diocese of Ontario.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Church of the Holy Saviour, Waterloo

The Church of the Holy Saviour will be open to the public Saturday, Sep 20, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. as part of the Doors Open Ontario program. The church is noteworthy for an abundance of unusually rich, carved-oak woodwork, including panelling, choir stalls and pews, a chancel screen, a pulpit and lectern, and a reredos carving of the Last Supper, all by Globe Furniture of Waterloo.
The parish began as a mission of St John's, Kitchener with the first service held in Presbyterian Church of Waterloo in 1895. The following year the services were held in a hall in the Snyder Building. Holy Saviour Church was built in 1898, the parish hall was built in 1912 and the tower completed in 1936.
Rector is the Ven. Peter Townshend, Archdeacon of Waterloo. Clergy Associates are the Rev. Harry Janke, the Ven. Cy Ladds, the Ven. Dr. Neil Carver. There are 3 Sunday services and a service on Wednesdays.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
St. George's, Windsor, Ontario

The celebration of the new ministry at St. George's Anglican Church, Windsor of the Rev. Gordon Maitland, together with festive Evensong for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, will be held at the church on Sunday September 14 at 4 pm. The Venerable Jane Humphreys, Archdeacon of Essex, will induct Fr. Maitland on behalf of the Bishop Commissary. The Rev. Lance Smith of the Church of the Ascension, Windsor will be the preacher. Clergy are invited to vest in choir habit (surplice and tippet) for this occasion. A reception will follow.
The late Rev. Dr. W. Kenneth Jaggs was priest in charge from 1996 to 2008. May 1, 2008, Rev. Gordon Maitland became Associate Priest (part time). At the same time he also began a new appointment as Director of Christian Studies (part time) at Canterbury College, Windsor.
Previous Month: St James Westminster, London, Ontario