Tuesday, May 01, 2007


St John the Evangelist, Strathroy, Ontario

St John, StrathroySt. John the Evangelist Church, Strathroy is celebrating its 165th Anniversary on May 6th 2007. A special day is planned packed with history and a look forward into the future. Lunch will be served following the 11.00 am. Choral Eucharist.

For further information call the church office 519-245-2131, or email stjohns @ bellnet.ca

The regimental colours of the 26th Regiment (Middlesex Light Infantry) were laid up in 1919 and have hung in St. John's ever since. The regimental headquarters were in Strathroy and St. John's was the garrison church.

St. John the Evangelist is in a two-point parish with St. Ann’s Church, Adelaide Village.